
Nude dress

Vestido / Dress: Yoana Baraschi Accesorios / Accesories: Lbel, Unique

Hola queridos bloggers, considero importante en todo armario de una mujer, no solo fashion lover, si no en general, todas debemos tener un buen vestido que nos saque de apuros en algún compromiso social, si aun no lo tienes te dejo algunos tips que te pueden servir a la hora de hacer tu compra.


Hello beloved bloggers, I consider important in every wardrovet of a woman, not alone fashion lover, if not in general, all we should have a good dress that help us of urgencies in some social meet, if even do not you have it abandonment some tips that can serve you at the moment of to make your purchase.

  • Escoge un corte clásico, sin muchos detalles, recuerda que a la hora de vestir "menos es mas"
  • It chooses a classical cut, without many details, remember that at the moment of to dress "less is more"
  • Un color neutro te ayudará a sacarle mas partido a tu vestido pues lo podrás usar tanto para el día como para la noche.
  • A neutral color you to help to remove him but parted to your dress therefore you will be able it to use so much for the day as for the night.
  • La tela, elige una que realce tu silueta, ni muy gruesa ni muy delgada, nunca compres una prenda si no te la has probado frente a un espejo y estas conforme en como te queda.
  • The fabric, chooses a fabric that highlight your silhouette, neither very gross neither very thin, never buy a dress if you have not tested front a mirror and these in agreement in as remains you. 
  • La altura, si se trata de un compromiso social, (cóctel, matrimonio civil, bautizo, etc) lo ideal es llevarlo sobre la rodilla.
  • The height, for a social commitment, (cocktail, civil marriage, baptism, etc) it ideal is to carry it on the knee. 

Detalle del vestido, vuelos.
Details of dress, ruflfles.

Botones en los hombros y en el canesú
More details: buttons in shoulders.

  • Complementos, yo prefiero usar complementos sobrios y no recargarme de ellos, un par de aretes bonitos, un collar, un bolso pequeño donde lleve lo mas necesario (labial, celular y billetera)
  • Complements, not to reload you of them, a pair of pretty earrings, a necklace, a small bag where carry it but necessary (labial, cell and wallet)
  • Los zapatos, no necesariamente deben de ser del tono delvestido, elige uno con los que te puedas sentir cómoda durante todo el compromiso, en mi caso llevo unos zapatos con plataforma que hace que sea mas descansado, pero no resistiría muchas horas parada con ellos.
  • The shoes, necessarily they should not be of the tone of the dress, chooses one with the ones that can feel commode during all the commitment, in my case I carry some shoes with platform that does that be but rested, but would not resist many standing hours with them.  

Plataformas color nude / Pumps nude: Avenue

Espero que estos consejos te puedan ayudar con tu elección.
I hope thats these counsels can help you with your purchase.

32 comentarios:

  1. you really can't go wrong with a neutral dress like this :D


  2. Me encantó el outfit, el vestido es bonito pero los zapatos me fascinaron.
    Besos guapa!

  3. Lovely dress, you look great!


  4. Preciosa.el vestido es super lindo y todos los detalles son perfectos.Besos y gracias.

  5. Thank you for visiting my blog.
    Adorable look.
    Following you on gfc and bloglovin.

  6. bella, me encanta el nude

  7. Gracias por pasarte por mi blog.
    Unos consejos muy útiles :)
    un saludo


  8. Se te ve linda con ese vestido :)


  9. Hola!
    Dress perfecto!Muy bela.
    Primer x en su blog, loved!

    Estou siguiendo.
    Selene Blanchard
    Bacio,Moda & eu

  10. Hola Rebe, tienes tantisima razon con todo los tips que recomeindas, y tambien me gusta mucho la propuesta del color, el nude es un color femenino, elegante, chic. El vestido que llevas es ideal.

    Mil gracias por tu visita.

    Un abrazo enorme

  11. Gracias chicas! que bueno que les haya gustado este post :)

  12. Pretty dress with such a cute lil details.


  13. absolutely gorgeous, rebeca! you look stunning!! :)

    have a great weekend, sweetie! i love the new look of your blog! :)

    ADAM ❤ ALEX Mommy

    1. Oh Jasmine! that good that you like already needs a change my blog:) thanks by stopping you here.

  14. Love the dress, very chic and I'm loving your gorgeous blog!
    I just signed up as your newest follower would love it if we could follow each other!


    ♥ Melissah from Scrapbook

  15. Hey there' thanks for stopping by and yes for the beautiful comments (: love your dress btw.. Sure i'm following you.. waiting for the same (: Keep in touch..

  16. You're so pretty and I really like your blog! Followed you on bloglovin, maybe follow me back?


  17. Se ve bastante fresca la tela del vestido, que es?

  18. i totally agree with you, we need a classic dress to go with just about any social event. this one is gorgeous!


  19. Very chic outfit! Would you like to follow each other?

  20. Very nice outfit dear, you look amazing!
    Im following you now :)

    Visit me if you can HippieChicPao

