
Pata de gallo / houndstooth

Hace unos días fue la ceremonia de graduación de preescolar de mi hijo menor, fue uno de esos momentos que nunca voy a olvidar y me emocioné hasta las lagrimas, porque mi pequeño esta creciendo y nos toca pasar a una nueva etapa, a pesar que a veces me estresaba con las actividades del nido, se que voy a extrañar los paseos, los bailes, las actuaciones, los desfiles, los disfraces, sus trabajos manuales, las tareas en fin! todo ese universo.


A few days ago was the graduation ceremony preschool my youngest son, was one of those moments that I will never forget and I was moved to tears because my little touches us is growing and moving into a new stage , although a sometimes I get stressed with the activities of the nest, is that I will miss the walks , dances , performances , parades , costumes , their craft, the work finally! all this universe.


Para la ocasión había decidido llevar algo sobrio,  no estaba dentro de mis planes el blanco y negro, mas bien quería algo mas veraniego, pero no tuve tiempo, cuando fui a comprar tela, me gusto la idea de llevar este estampado clásico y se que este top lo puedo adaptar fácilmente para otra ocasión, tampoco tuve tiempo de tomarme una foto con el look, por eso comparto algunas que tome en la ceremonia, estas sandalias estaban dentro de mi lista de deseo para esta temporada ya quiero empezar a armar combinaciones veraniegas con ellas, deseo de corazón que cada una de ustedes haya pasado una feliz y tranquila Navidad rodeada de su familia!


For the occasion I had decided to wear something sober, was not in my plans black and white , but rather wanted something more summery, but did not have time when I went to buy fabric , I like the idea of ​​bringing this classic pattern and this top I can adapt easily to another time , not had time to take a picture with the look , so share some take in the ceremony , these sandals were within my wishlist for this season and I want to start putting together combinations summer with them , I sincerely hope that each of you has passed a happy and peaceful Christmas surrounded by family!

Peplum houndstooth top: DIY
Falda  lápiz/ pencil skirt: Old
Sandalias / Sandals: Platanitos

27 comentarios:

  1. Estas impecable y tu hijo es muy guapo! Un beso.

  2. This is so sweet congratulations to your precious son. You look amazing and he looks so handsome. Great looking family.

  3. Aw, these photos are so sweet! You look great! Would you like to perhaps follow each other? If so just let us know :) xx


  4. you look so pretty! that houndstooth looks awesome on you. your son is too cute. very handsome along with your husband.

  5. VERY CUTE ! :) <3


  6. Merry Christmas dear !! lovely pictures :) xx

  7. You are so classy Reb, I love your peplum top!
    Congrats to your son... you have a wonderful family!!!
    Happy holidays!!!!

  8. Great look, I love hundstooth pattern

  9. Hi Rebeca! Congrats to your son, he is so sweet!:) And you look very classy and smashing, you pulled off a very refined combo. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas time filled with the love of your family. Happy Friday my dear, kisses! xo

  10. love the outfit, very cute :)

  11. El estampado pata de gallo es muy trendy!

  12. You and your family look all very pretty and elegant!
    Beautiful photos! :)

  13. Hi dear Rebeca, I can imagine that this were really touching for you, and the outfit which you have chosen looks wonderful on you! The shoes are awesome btw <3

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

    International giveaway for your good figure

  14. You have a lovely family :) Very nice!)) Would you like to follow each other? Just let me know in my blog. xoxo

