
El Festival del Medio Otoño en China / The Mid-autumn Festival in China

El Festival del Medio Otoño, o como algunas personas lo llaman Día de Luna Pastel, acaba de pasar. La gente en Asia compra más regalos de EE.UU. que pasteles de luna (dulce típico en esas fechas). Algo que se puede notar en el volumen ventas de US_GoBuy, empresa líder en reenvío de paquetes y agente de compras a través de su servicio BuyForMe en EE.UU.

Puedes averiguar mas sobre este festival en el siguiente video. El Festival de la Luna es un tiempo para tomar un merecido descanso del trabajo, reunirse con los amigos, la familia, y rendir homenaje a la luna llena con poemas y pasteles de luna. Muchas tiendas y negocios pueden estar cerrados en conmemoración del día de fiesta; las opciones de transporte pueden ser limitadas durante los días que dure la festividad y eso puede afectar la llegada de tus compras en línea.

The Mid-autumn Festival, or some people call it Moon Cake Day, has just passed. People in Asia bought more goods from USA than buying the local moon cakes as gifts.
We can see that from the sales volumn of US_GoBuy, a leading package forwarding and BuyForMe agent in USA.

You can read this introduction about this festival if you don’t know too much about it yet.

Also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival or the Mooncake Festival, the Chinese Moon Festival is an important and favorite holiday for Chinese people around the world.
The Chinese Moon Festival is a joyous time for family, friends, and couples to reunite under a full moon. All take a little time to appreciate the beautiful full moon on hopefully the clearest night of the year.

No tiene que estar en China para ver el Festival de la Luna chino. Los barrios chinos de todo el mundo lo celebrarán; el festival es especialmente importante en lugares con una gran población de China como Vietnam, Singapur y Malasia.

¿Que son los Pasteles de luna chinos? 
Son pequeños pasteles horneados, se comen durante el Festival del Medio Otoño (o en cualquier momento que deseen probar algo singularmente chino). Los pasteles de luna se hacen con yemas de huevo y vienen con una variedad de rellenos a base de pasta de frijol, semillas de loto, frutas, e incluso a veces carne. Los pasteles son típicamente redondos y simbolizan la luna llena. A pesar de su pequeño tamaño, están preparados con manteca de cerdo y resultan muy pesados ​​para comer. Muchas personas optan por cortarlos en cuartos de compartirlo con amigos.

Fechas para el Festival de la Luna chino
El Festival del Medio Otoño se inicia el día 15 del octavo mes basado en el calendario chino, por lo que las fechas cambian cada año.

Festival de la Luna 2011: 12 de septiembre
Festival de la Luna 2012: 30 de septiembre
Festival de la Luna 2013: 19 de septiembre
Festival de la Luna 2014: 08 de septiembre
Festival de la Luna 2015: 27 de septiembre
Festival de la Luna 2016: 15 de septiembre


Moon Cake Day Travel China
Known as the Zhongqiu Jie in Chinese, the Moon Festival dates back to over 3,000 years. A multitude of legends have developed over the years.

Most stories are based on the idea that the goddess Chang’e lives on the moon; tales of how she got there diverge widely, however.

One story suggests that the moon goddess was the wife of a legendary archer who was ordered to shoot down all of the suns in the sky besides one. After accomplishing the task, he was given an immortality pill as a reward. His wife found and took the pill instead, then later flew to the moon where she lives now.

Another Chinese Moon Festival legend states that paper messages inside of mooncakes were used as a way to organize the exact date of a coup against the ruling Mongols during the Yuan Dynasty. The Mongols were overthrown on the night of the Moon Festival. Although the legend is a little more realistic, little historical evidence suggests that this is how the Mongols were defeated.

What to Expect During the Chinese Moon Festival
The Chinese Moon Festival is a time to take a needed break from work, reunite with family and friends, and pay homage to the full moon with poems and by eating mooncakes.
Couples take full advantage of the Moon Festival as a romantic time to sit under a full moon while sharing cakes. Many shops and businesses may be closed in observance of the holiday; transportation options may be full or limited.

What are Chinese Mooncakes?
Chinese mooncakes are small, baked cakes eaten with the fingers during the Mid-Autumn Festival (or anytime you wish to try something uniquely Chinese). Mooncakes are made with egg yolks and come with a variety of fillings made from bean paste, lotus seeds, fruits, and sometimes even meat. The cakes are typically round, symbolizing the full moon.

Despite the small size, Chinese mooncakes are prepared with lard and are quite heavy to eat. Many people choose to cut mooncakes into quarters to share them with friends.
Given the difficulty of making real mooncakes, some are surprisingly expensive!

Learn more about Chinese mooncakes.

Where to Find Mooncakes
You probably won’t have any trouble finding mooncakes even days before the festival. The Chinese Moon Festival has been hit hard with commercialization; every hotel, restaurant, and shop will have mooncakes on offer. Even the ice cream chain Haagen Dazs has gotten on board and offers moon cakes during the festival.

Where to See the Chinese Moon Festival
You do not have to be in China to see the Chinese Moon Festival. Chinatowns around the world will celebrate; the festival is especially prominent in places with a large Chinese population such as Vietnam, Singapore, and Malaysia.

Dates for the Chinese Moon Festival
The Mid-Autumn Festival starts on the 15th day of the eighth month based on the Chinese calendar, so dates change annually.

Moon Festival 2011: September 12
Moon Festival 2012: September 30
Moon Festival 2013: September 19
Moon Festival 2014: September 8
Moon Festival 2015: September 27
Moon Festival 2016: September 15

Before Mid-autumn Festival, people living in China, Malaysia bought gifts from USA with US_GoBuy service, it saves almost 80% shipping rate.


You can try USGo_buy to buy from USA if you have big festivals in the coming days.

7 comentarios:

  1. Awesome post Becca! Ive never tasted mooncakes before, that's why i was drooling hehe


  2. No conocía este Festival de medio Otoño pero debe ser un espectáculo increíble. Un beso.

  3. Fantastic post dear! Hope you have a lovely day.

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  4. La primer imagen me ha impactado, que bonita, slaudos!

