
Hablando de moda con Jorge Luis Salinas

 Este año he tenido la oportunidad de estar en mi elemento y coincidir en espacios llenos de moda y creatividad, fui invitada a la charla del diseñador Jorge Luis Salinas, un encuentro dirigido a estudiantes, diseñadores de moda y personas afines al rubro del Diseño de Modas.

En este conversatorio los asistentes pudimos conocer de cerca la historia de Jorge Luis Salinas, desde sus inicios en el negocio de sus padres hasta su participación en la Semana de la Moda de Nueva York, Jorge Luis proviene de una familia de emprendedores pioneros en el Emporio Textil más grande de Sudamérica el Centro Comercial Gamarra.


This year I have had the opportunity to be in my element and meet in spaces full of fashion and creativity, I was invited to the talk by designer Jorge Luis Salinas, a meeting aimed at students, fashion designers and people related to the field of Fashion Design .

In this conversation, attendees were able to learn more about the history of Jorge Luis Salinas, from his beginnings in his parents' business to his participation in New York Fashion Week. Jorge Luis comes from a family of pioneering entrepreneurs in the most great textile center in South America, Gamarra Shopping Center.

Fue una charla enriquecedora pues nos contó cómo es el mundo de la moda visto desde dentro del circuito, su experiencia desfilando en Nueva York, además compartió consejos y despejó las dudas en una rueda de preguntas hechas por los asistentes.

También pudimos ver de cerca el sentir del diseñador con respecto al panorama actual que se vive en el rubro de la moda, como afecta la crisis climática, la coyuntura, la inestabilidad política y económica de nuestro país al sector.


It was an enriching talk because he told us what the world of fashion is like seen from within the circuit, his catwalk experience in New York, he also shared advice and cleared up doubts in a round of questions asked by the attendees.

We were also able to see up close the designer's feelings regarding the current panorama in the fashion industry, how the climate crisis, the situation, and the political and economic instability of our country affect the sector.

Actualmente Jorge Luis Salinas se encuentra enfocado en su próxima colección, regresa al ruedo luego de una pausa de siete años en las que los temas personales como la salud de su padre y la pandemia lo llevaron a hacer una pausa, dedicarse a otros rubros como la agricultura mientras se volvía a reactivar el rubro de la moda que fue uno de los más golpeados y quizás uno de los últimos en activarse. “Después de participar en el New York Fashion Week [en 2015], mi papá fue diagnosticado con cáncer. Ahí decidí que tenía que tomar una pausa. Acompañarlo hasta superarlo” recuerda Jorge Luis.


Currently Jorge Luis Salinas is focused on his next collection, he returns to the ring after a seven-year break in which personal issues such as his father's health and the pandemic led him to take a break, dedicate himself to other areas such as agriculture while the fashion sector, which was one of the hardest hit and perhaps one of the last to activate, was reactivated. “After participating in New York Fashion Week [in 2015], my dad was diagnosed with cancer. There I decided that he had to take a break. Accompany him until he overcomes it.” remember Jorge Luis.

Los asistentes pudimos apreciar de cerca algunas piezas de sus colecciones anteriores incluyendo la colección que presentó en el PeruModa 2015 la cual lo llevó a New York, inspirada en la cultura Andina y China, tejida a mano por talentosas tejedoras peruanas.

Jorge Luis es un diseñador que se ha especializado en el denim y eso lo corroboré al apreciar los vestidos en denim bordados que presentó en su colección para la Lima Fashion Week 2012 una manera soberbia y caprichosa con la que nos deja en claro la versatilidad de este tejido.


Attendees were able to see up close some pieces from his previous collections, including the collection he presented at PeruModa 2015 which he took to New York, inspired by Andean and Chinese culture, hand-woven by talented Peruvian weavers.

Jorge Luis is a designer who has specialized in denim and I confirmed this when I appreciated the embroidered denim dresses that he presented in his collection for Lima Fashion Week 2012, a superb and whimsical way with which he makes clear to us the versatility of this fabric.

Si quieres seguirle la pista a lo que Jorge Luis Salinas está preparando para el 2024 síguelo a través de sus redes sociales como Instagram Jorge Luis viene compartiendo el proceso creativo y de producción de su próxima colección que presentará en la Semana de la Moda de Nueva York inspirada en el Huaylas, danza oriunda del Perú que es una de las favoritas de su madre. 


If you want to keep track of what Jorge Luis Salinas is preparing for 2024, follow him through his social networks such as Instagram Jorge Luis has been sharing the creative and production process of his next collection that he will present at New York Fashion Week inspired by the Huaylas, a dance native to Peru that is one of her mother's favorites.

8 comentarios:

  1. Que bien que regresara, por las fotos puedo ver que diseña muy bonito, saludos:D

  2. Wow, what an incredible experience! Thank you so much for sharing. Those designs are truly stunning.
    the creation of beauty is art.

  3. Thank you for introducing me to Jorge Luis Salinas. I really enjoyed reading about him and how he references Peruvian and Andean culture in his work. Those four knitted dresses are my favourites especially the green and the red ones, stunning! x

  4. Interesting Post, i love it to read the Story about him. The Dresses are outstanding, gorgeous Designs.

  5. Oh how exciting to attend this talk Jorge is a brilliant designer. I love what he does with denim SO cool. The ruffle dress with the long sleeves is my favorite. Maybe I will see one of his shows one day at NYFW. Thanks for sharing!!

    Allie of

  6. Tiene lindas creaciones. Te mando un beso.

  7. Wow, that was amazing! Thank you for sharing.

