
Yo probé / I tested

Estos son algunos productos que he probado este mes, la primera es la crema aclaradora de la linea Avon Care, llevo usándola unos 15 días y estoy tratando de ser constante para ver resultados, aparte de aclarar también hidrata la piel, el precio es bastante accesible y se distribuye por catalogo.

La segunda es una crema demaquilladora a base de aceite soya y vitamina E de la misma marca, retira el maquillaje suavemente y sin mayor problemas la compre en reemplazo de mi demaquillador liquido y me ha resultado buena. La recomiendo.


Here are some products I've tried this month, the first is the lightening cream Avon Care line, I've been using it about 15 days and I'm trying to be constant to see results, apart from clarifying also moisturizes the skin, the price is quite affordable and distributed by catalog.

The second is a cream makeup remover based soybean oil and vitamin E in the same brand, removes gently  makeup without much trouble replacing the my makeup remover liquid buy  this and it has been good. I recommend it.

Y por ultimo este spray bucal de la linea Cyzone, que me parece muy practico sobre todo si en un mismo día tienes un almuerzo u otras reuniones y no te gusta cargar cepillo y pasta dental en el bolso, te puede resultar de mucha utilidad, tiene un agradable sabor a sandia. Espero que estén teniendo una excelente semana. Muchas gracias por sus comentarios!


And finally this oral spray Cyzone line, which I find very practical especially if on the same day have a lunch or other meetings and do not like to carry toothbrush and toothpaste in your bag, you can be very useful, has watermelon taste pleasantly. Hope you're having a great week. Thank you very much for your comments!

9 comentarios:

  1. A cream makeup remover sounds good. Right now I'm using a liquid and then washing my face. Thanks!

  2. Hi Rebeca! The products seem all good, the cream make up remover inspires me in particular, I never used a cream to take off the make up you know and I am curious. Kisses dear, have a good day! xo

  3. No conozco ningún producto pero tienen buena pinta! Un beso.

  4. Não vi ainda esses produtos do Avon aqui no Brasil, mas esse primeiro parece ser bom, fiquei com vontade de testar também!


  5. This is cool, that you tested a product from Avon, dear Rebeca, because many years ago my mother was a sales representant from Avon. Thanks for this interesting review und your effort.

    Wish you a happy start in the weekend <3

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena


  6. Gracias por sus comentarios chicas!
    Thanks for your comments ladies!

  7. Adorei saber sua opinião sobre estes produtos flor :)

    Muito obrigada por comentar no meu blog!
    Sempre que atualizar me mande um recado no meu blog, que virei aqui comentar! Fica mais fácil para eu não esquecer e sempre estar aqui mantendo contato! ;)

    Beeeijooos, @re_becah




