
Sueños rotos / Broken dreams

He tenido un fin de semana bastante tranquilo en mi casa, mi problema el domingo es que tuve problemas para conciliar el sueño, sufro de pesadillas algo recurrente desde que tengo memoria sufro de parálisis de sueño, se me acelera el corazón, no logro moverme, ni despertarme y por mas que grito en mis sueños no logro que nadie me escuche es una experiencia bastante incómoda para mí, en la transición llego a oír voces pero no logro entender las palabras como si se tratase de una interferencia, al principio esto me aterraba y lo asociaba a lo espiritual o alguna energía negativa en mi habitación, luego indagando en la web leí sobre esto me sorprendí al saber que muchas personas tienen estos mismos síntomas, algunos lo asocian con el estrés, otros con la comida, incluso con problemas estomacales, y ahora se preguntarán porque les comento esto, pues solo quería compartirlo con ustedes y si han tenido experiencias similares me lo cuenten en los comentarios. Hoy llevo un look bastante sencillo e informal para comenzar esta nueva semana rayas, pantalón menta y chaqueta de denim y mis alpargatas de glitter que han sido mis compañeras este verano. 


I had a weekend pretty quiet in my house, my problem on Sunday is that I had trouble sleeping, I suffer from nightmares a recurring since I can remember I suffer from sleep paralysis, my heart races, I can not move, nor awake and while I scream in my dreams can not get anyone to listen to me, is an awkward experience for me, in the transition came to hear voices but can not understand the words as if it were an interference, at first this terrified me and associated with spiritual or some negative energy in my room, after finding into the web I read about it and was surprised to know that many people have these same symptoms, some associated with stress, others with food, even with problems stomach, and now wonder why I mention this because I just wanted to share it with you and if you have had similar experiences tell me in the comments. Today I wear simple and casual look to start this new week stripes, mint and denim jacket pants and my glitter espadrilles who have been my companions this summer.

Pants: Machine old
Jacket: Sybilla old
Polo / Tee: DIY
Alpargatas / Espadrilles: Local store
Collar y pulseras / Necklace and bracelets: Urbanika Store

23 comentarios:

  1. Nice denim jacket dear!

  2. Thank you for sharing this very private experience Rebeca. It must be very tough, isn't there any cure? As for the outfit, you look super pretty dear!
    Coco et La vie en rose - Valeria Arizzi

  3. Ohh¡. Pues lo del sueño es una faena, yo si no descanso bien por las noches me llevo toda la mañana como un zombi, la verdad es que no me ha pasado, pero si hay niños pequeños que sufren de terrores nocturnos. El look me encanta, que ganas de que llegue el buen tiempo a mi ciudad. Un beso.

  4. I love striped shirts! You look great honey!!

  5. You look lovely I never experience any sleep into that extreme but yes there is so many people that do. If you believe in god get a bible read a page each night before you go to bed leave the bible by your night table. Trust me if you read it with faith you will sleep like a baby with no disturbance.

  6. I have nightmares sometime but without sleep paralysis, most of times I hear my husband voice which tells me that is not real and I calm down.
    Nice look.

  7. Adoro las rayas con denim!!un look monisimo!

  8. So lovely and great post, as always! Hope you have an awesome day. :D

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  9. Great look, i adore your streiped shirt!
    New post

  10. Oh dear, that's terrible doll, I hope your sleep will get better, sounds really horrifying!! You look wonderful :) xx

  11. You look very cute!
    Love that striped top + denim jacket combination!

  12. Amazing one dear!
    Wish you a great evening!
    New post on my blog: http://www.milanotime.net/fashion/mini-skirt-love/

  13. Qué mal, debe ser terrible esa situación!!!!
    es muy bonito el a pesar de la sencillez. La chaqueta queda genial con el resto del outfit.
    Besos mil.

  14. Love the jeans!

  15. Look maravilhoso amei,
    Curta e siga o meu canal:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sg_8KAdIhe8

  16. You look absolutely fabulous. I love your pants, the color and the style is just perfect.
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  17. You look adorable. Really cute denim crop jacket. Also, right on trend for SS2015 with stripes. Not to mention, you have great balance. You managed to stand on your toes throughout all the photos, not that's talent!


  18. love denim on denim!

  19. You always manage to look so gdmn stylish its SICK haha:)

    Check out my new post..AN AMAZING Swedish tower house:)

    Have a fab weekend dear

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis - inredning it's, Swedish for decor :)

