
Falda con botones / Button front skirt

Siguiendo con las tendencias para esta temporada marcadas por una fuerte influencia de los 70s he recopilado unas cuantas ideas de como combinar la falda con botones en frente, que seguro ya debes haber notado esta de regreso, aprovechando que tenía un retazo de denim en mi cesto de telas he diseñado una para mí que ya les iré mostrando como la combino esta temporada, mientras al final del post les muestro un pequeño adelanto seguro que quienes me siguen en Instagram y Snapchat ya la vieron, que disfruten su fin de semana! No se vayan sin decirme que look les gustó mas en esta selección.


Following the trends for this season marked by a strong influence of 70s I have compiled a few ideas of how to combine the skirt with buttons in front, sure as you must have noticed this back, taking advantage of having a piece of denim in my basket fabric I designed one for me already'll show them as the combined this season, while the end of the post I show a small safe advancement that those who follow me on Instagram and snapchat and they saw. Enjoy your weekend! Do not go without saying that look liked most in this selection.

16 comentarios:

  1. Hello Dear! Of the examples the first is my favorite. Nice buttons, great length and style. Your outfit is wonderful. A nice choice of skirt and the socks are amazing! I was so happy you showed them pulled up and pulled down. Very exciting to see both and brought me a fantastic time! I also hope that if you wear the skirt again some of those buttons might be undone ;) You look so lovely, dear! Kisses

    All Things Bright and Lovely

  2. El 7 y el de Olivia son mis favoritos, me encanta esta tendencia.

    1. También me gustó la de Olivia tiene un corte distinto a las demás, favorece a las chicas de piernas delgadas.

  3. love these. I need one in my life too.
    New Post on my blog, do drop by soon ,<3

  4. Loving the 70's vibe I like the last pic and the first pic the most http://www.mumbaitomelbourne.com/fashion-and-beauty-blog-posts

  5. I haven't tried wearing skirts with button but it looks great on you Beca <3


  6. Lovely :) good look :p


  7. Muy chulas, aunque yo las prefiero sin botones. Besos

  8. Me encanta esta tendencia y tu seleccion es muy inspiradora! Un beso guapa.

  9. This is such a fabulous trend! I bought a vintage button up denim midi skirt last year and wore it non-stop last summer and this summer as well.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  10. oh yes :) i want this type of skirt ! :) fabulous !


  11. Hola Rebe.
    Lindo tu outfit aunque quedarian mejor con sneakers. te dejo un link que encontre.

  12. Nossa, como eu usei dessas saias gente!!!
    É fofa!
    Beijos ♥ http://mhilkadiniz.blogspot.com.br/

  13. La verdad es que quedan muy chulas las faldas con botones. Un besote

