
Favoritos del cabello - Konzil keratina y proteínas de seda review

Últimamente estoy liada con el tiempo, las dos últimas semanas han sido caóticas entre el colegio de mis niños y mis propios asuntos diarios ando complicada, he notado que en situaciones estresantes mi cabello se pone fatal, es por eso que este verano he tratado de mimarlo un poco, me había decidido a dejarlo crecer un poco y al parecer logré mi objetivo! ¿Cómo? Bueno como ya les había comentado en instagram, durante el verano dejé de usar la plancha de cabello seguido. ¡Con tanto calor me resultaba imposible alisarlo!


Lately I'm having an affair with time, the last two weeks have been chaotic between the school of my children and my own daily affairs'm complicated, I have noticed that in stressful situations my hair gets fatal, is why this summer I tried to spoil him a little, I had decided to let it grow a bit and apparently achieved my goal! How? Good as he had told them on instagram, during the summer I stopped using the hair straightener continuously so hot it was impossible to straighten!

Para lavarlo los últimos meses usé champú y acondicionador con keratina he probado el de Elvive Keraliso de Loreal y últimamente estoy usando el de Konzil con keratina y proteínas de seda que es para todo tipo de cabello, entre ambas marcas los resultados han sido distintos por ejemplo el acondicionador de Loreal supera por mucho al de Konzil es mucho mas efectivo desenredando el cabello, Konzil tiene un aroma muy agradable y es una marca que a diferencia de Loreal ya la había usado anteriormente y después de tiempo regresé a ella, y aunque no tenga un acondicionador potente me parece también altamente recomendable entre las personas que les gusta usar productos con keratina.


To wash the last few months I used shampoo and conditioner with keratin I tried the Elvive Keraliso by Loreal and lately I'm using to Konzil with keratin and proteins silk between the two marks the results were different for example conditioner Loreal far exceeds that of Konzil is much more effective untangling hair, Konzil has a very pleasant aroma and is a brand that unlike Loreal and had used before and after time returned to her, and although it has a powerful conditioner seems also highly recommended among people who like to use products with keratin.

Mi cabello es bien delgado y tiende a quebrarse muy fácilmente es por eso que busco siempre fortalecerlo, ademas que tenga buen cuerpo y brille, adicional a estos cuidados he estado aplicando seguido aceite de coco y esto ha contribuido a hidratarlo y protegerlo de los estragos del verano como el sol, la playa, los tintes, etc. Si estas buscando algo que repare tu cabello de forma rápida les recomiendo usar aceite de coco o algún producto que lo tenga dentro de sus componentes, en la actualidad hay muchas marcas en el mercado que lo tienen incluso lo pueden encontrar en cualquier farmacia, espero que este post sirva de ayuda a quien quiera mejorar el aspecto de su cabellera.


My hair is very thin and tends to break very easily is why I seek always strengthen, also have a good body and shine, in addition to such care have been applying followed coconut oil and this has contributed to moisturize and protect it from the ravages of summer sun, beach, dyes, etc. If you are looking for something to repair your hair quickly recommend using coconut oil or any product that has it within its components, today there are many brands on the market that have even be found in any pharmacy, I hope this post serve whoever helps improve the appearance of your hair.

11 comentarios:

  1. These are such fantastic products!! Sounds like something I would really love to try.


  2. They sound very good and my hair would need as well! Rebeca, you have such great hair! Kisses! xo

  3. these products seems lovely, using strenghter must be working because you hair looks fantastic...very healthy!


  4. Totally agree with you that coconut oil is terrific when it comes to moisturize hair, what about Konzil I haven't heard about this brand before!


  5. Your hair looks gorgeous, hun. Sounds like great products.

  6. Hola Rebe, pues me han gustado muchísimo estos productos. El cabello esta espectacular,
    un beso
    Maggie D.
    Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary

  7. Your hair looks amazing! So healthy and shiny - love it!

