
Crear contenido no debería ser visto como una amenaza

 Hola de nuevo! En esta nueva entrada no solo quiero mostrarles un look, que por cierto no subí en su momento por estar atravesando por una etapa de desmotivación, quizás en parte fue la etapa post pandemia, después de estar varios meses aislada sin poder salir a hacer fotos en exteriores, en fin ahora me animé a subirla ya que es un look de estilo atemporal y que puede funcionar sin problemas.


Hello again! In this new entry I not only want to show you a look, which by the way I did not upload at the time because I was going through a stage of demotivation, perhaps in part it was the post-pandemic stage, after being isolated for several months without being able to go out to take photos in exteriors, anyway now I decided to upload it since it is a timeless style look that can work without problems.

Recuerdo durante los meses de aislamiento haber estado leyendo los diferentes problemas por los que muchos creadores de contenido estaban pasando, ya que el ritmo de sus publicaciones y su rutina se vio afectada considerablemente, muchos tuvieron que reinventarse y ver otras posibilidades para subsistir, aunque esos días ya están lejos es importante hablar al respecto, de cómo el crear contenido puede afectar a nivel emocional.


I remember during the months of isolation having been reading the different problems that many content creators were going through, since the rhythm of their publications and their routine was considerably affected, many had to reinvent themselves and see other possibilities to survive, although those days are far away, it is important to talk about it, about how creating content can affect you on an emotional level.

Una de las situaciones que me viene a la mente fue escuchar el testimonio de una youtuber en un storie time respecto de cómo tuvo que lidiar en su trabajo de oficina con su faceta de creadora de contenido en sus tiempos libres, llegó un momento en que su jefa empezó a ejercer tanta presión en ella que se vio casi obligada a renunciar. Cosas como que si le iba bien en su canal de Youtube porque no se dedicada a eso a tiempo completo, o buscar la sin razón para criticar su trabajo y rendimiento en la oficina solo ponía en evidencia su malestar por la actividad que ella hacía y que encima le estaba empezando a dar sus primeros resultados porque empezaba con los patrocinios, pero aún no era el momento de abandonar todo para dedicarse a crear contenido a tiempo completo, evidentemente esta jefa sentía celos. 


One of the situations that comes to mind was listening to the testimony of a youtuber in a story time regarding how she had to deal with her facet as a content creator in her spare time at her office job, there came a time when her boss began to put so much pressure on her that she was almost forced to resign. Things like if she was doing well on her YouTube channel because she is not dedicated to it full time, or looking for no reason to criticize her work and performance in the office only revealed her discomfort with the activity she was doing and that On top of that, it was beginning to give her first results because she was starting with sponsorships, but it was not yet the time to abandon everything to dedicate herself to creating content full-time, obviously this boss was jealous.

Me quedé sorprendida de que alguien pudiera llegar a tanto, entiendo que en un principio muchas personas veían con ojos de rareza a quien decidía abrir un blog o alguna red social en donde hablara de alguna de sus pasiones, (año 2010) pero ese suceso fue alrededor del año 2016 aproximadamente, se supone que esta actividad ya no tenía nada de raro y se podía compaginar tranquilamente con tu trabajo si es que sabes organizarte.


I was surprised that someone could go so far, I understand that at first many people looked with strange eyes at those who decided to open a blog or some social network where they talked about one of their passions, (year 2010) but that event was around the year 2016, it is assumed that this activity no longer had anything strange and could be easily combined with your work if you know how to organize yourself.

Afortunadamente cuando empecé con la creación de contenido ya ejercía mi profesión de manera independiente y no tuve que lidiar con este tipo de situaciones, sin embargo recuerdo un episodio de cuando estaba trabajando en horario corrido, una vez me llamaron para un proyecto, en ese momento me dedicaba a elaborar accesorios en mis tiempos libres y la persona encargada del proyecto me comentó que si tomaba el proyecto debía de enfocarme solamente en ello, sentí un poco de consternación porque no me dijo directamente, pero me dio a entender que debía dejar de hacer las actividades que yo realizaba en mi tiempo libre, como yo sabía que podía organizarme sin desligarme de mis actividades le dije que no había problema a pesar que me pareció osado de su parte querer controlar lo que yo hacía en mis tiempos libres, afortunadamente ese proyecto nunca se concretó y no afectó mi producción, seguí adelante con mi vida y mis actividades.


Fortunately, when I started creating content, I was already practicing my profession as freelance and I did not have to deal with this type of situation, however, I remember an episode when I was working full-time, once they called me for a project, at that moment I dedicated myself to making accessories in my spare time and the person in charge of the project told me that if I took on the project I should focus only on it, I felt a little dismayed because he did not tell me directly, but he made me understand that I should stop making the activities that I carried out in my free time, as I knew that I could organize myself without detaching myself from my activities, I told him that there was no problem even though it seemed daring of him to want to control what I did in my free time, fortunately that project never materialized and it did not affect my production, I went on with my life and my activities.

Me gustaría pensar que en la actualidad ya no se juzga a quien decide dar rienda suelta a su creatividad, a quien desee vivir de su pasión o simplemente desee compartirla en alguna red social, el mundo está cambiando y debería haber más tolerancia en ese sentido. Crear contenido no debería ser visto como una amenaza. ¿Te ha pasado alguna situación parecida? ¿Qué te pareció la combinación? Cuéntame en los comentarios.


I would like to think that nowadays those who decide to unleash their creativity, who want to live from their passion or simply want to share it on a social network, are no longer judged, the world is changing and there should be more tolerance in that sense. Creating content should not be seen as a threat. Has a similar situation happened to you? What did you think of the combination? Tell me in the comments.

Obtén el look / Get the look
zaful Women's Daily Office Work Long Sleeve Shoulder Pads Flap Pockets Metallic Button Double Breasted Lapel Slim Fit Blazer

16 comentarios:

  1. Well written post Reb, totally agree with you!
    Btw, cool look babe!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

  2. So lovely to see you! You look lovely, as always :)

    Corinne x

  3. Nice post and I understand your point of view.

  4. You really touch upon some great points here Rebeca. No one should be judged for the content they create and how they choose to share it. I feel like I have been holding myself back a little in the topics I write about sometimes but thankfully whenever I've shared more personal stories, my readers and feel bloggers have been supportive and for that I'm incredibly grateful.

    1. Hello dear Rowena, I have decided to make some personal issues visible also to support those who are going through a similar issue and are not clear about what is happening, making them invisible does not help or generate changes and that is the reason why I touch on these points.

  5. Completamente de acuerdo con lo que dices y sobre el look es perfecto, de esos que nunca fallan. Un abrazo

  6. What an interesting post. I definitely think it should be possible to create and have something outside of work that brings joy! This outfit is beautiful <3
    the creation of beauty is art.

  7. Todo lo que dices es muy cierto, por cierto me encanto el outfit, saludos:D

