
Abrigada sin perder tu estilo

 El invierno es la época del año en la que nuestra imaginación se convierte en nuestra aliada a la hora de armar estilismos que nos mantengan abrigadas pero sin perder el estilo, para ello es importante elegir prendas versátiles de tejidos que nos protejan del frío y que nos sirvan a lo largo del tiempo.


Winter is the time of year in which our imagination becomes our ally when it comes to putting together outfits that keep us warm but without losing style. For this, it is important to choose versatile garments made of thick fabrics that protect us from the cold and that serve us over time

Hace algunas temporadas elegí esta chaqueta de efecto carnero, en este tono toffee que me ha permitido combinarla de diferentes maneras cada temporada invernal, al ser de un tono neutro siempre se ve bien durante los meses de frío donde la paleta de tono tierra siempre termina por imponerse.


A few seasons ago I chose this sheep jacket, in this toffee tone that has allowed me to combine it in different ways each winter season, being a neutral tone it always looks good during the cold months where the earth tone palette always ends up impose

El total black es un clásico que nunca falla además me ayuda a estilizar la silueta dando como resultado un look moderno y funcional, el uso de accesorios en tono dorado agrega ese toque trendy que remata la combinación.


Total black is a classic that never fails. It also helps me stylize my silhouette, resulting in a modern and functional look. The use of gold-tone accessories adds that trendy touch that finishes the combination.

Recuerda invertir en piezas básicas cómo una cafarena de hilo que puedas combinar con diferentes prendas, unos botines negros siempre te van a sacar de apuros durante los meses fríos, y un pantalón de cuerina también. ¿Qué te parece la combinación? Cuéntame en los comentarios.


Remember to invest in basic pieces such as a thread hat that you can combine with different clothes, black ankle boots will always get you out of trouble during the cold months, and leather pants too. What do you think of the combination? Tell me in the comments.

13 comentarios:

  1. I really like your outfit.
    The jacket has a great color

  2. Me encanto el outfit, la chaqueta es preciosa, saludos:D

  3. Ah yes have to keep looking chic even in winter. The cropped sheep jacket is so fun and it looks great with the head to toe black look. And agreed the key pieces bring the look together.

    Allie of

  4. A very inspiring post. I think your style is beautiful and can be inspired by it :) The styling looks feminine and elegant! I'd love to see your other styles, you have a beautiful style :)

  5. Staying warm while looking stylish can indeed be a challenge but I think you have achieved the goal quite well this outfit.

  6. Hola guapa! Qué chulada de cazadora, me encanta el color que lo hayas introducido en un outfil total black! Eso sí, me da mucha calor, porque aquí en Córdoba estamos a plena verano a 40 grados jajajaja. Un besote!

  7. I love that look! Super <3 You have great style ;)

  8. I love this look.

