El día miércoles asistí al fitting de la reconocida diseñadora peruana Sitka Semsch gracias a la invitación de Ésika, la reconocida marca de maquillaje y belleza. El evento se realizó en la misma tienda de la diseñadora ubicada en San Isidro, en un ambiente cálido y acogedor un grupo de bloggers y yo esperábamos con ansias ver el avance de lo que Sitka presentará el 2 de abril, mientras tanto me dedicaba a hacer tomas del lugar para compartir con todos ustedes mi experiencia.
On Wednesday I attended the fitting of the renowned Peruvian designer Sitka Semsch thanks at the invitation of Ésika, the renowned brand of makeup and beauty. The event was held in the same shop by designer located in San Isidro, in a warm and welcoming atmosphere group of bloggers and I just begun looking forward to see the preview that Sitka present the April 2, while I dedicated much taking photos of the place to share with us my experience.
Decidí llevar un look informal en esta ocasión, jeans y crop / I decide wear simple look this time my jeans and crop top.

El momento esperado llegó y nos mostró en dos tenidas una idea de lo que nos trae esta temporada Sitka Semsch, el punto de inspiración de su colección parte de una par de botines que lleva la modelo con el vestido rojo. Sitka nos comentaba que la nueva colección es mas fuerte que las anteriores tanto en diseño como en materiales, su productor Fernando Torrejón nos comentaba que incluso el fondo musical elegido para la pasarela es música industrial.
The expected time came and showed us two you taken an idea of what brings us this season Sitka Semsch, the point of inspiration for his collection part of a pair of boots bearing the model with the red dress. Sitka told us that the new collection is stronger than the latest in design and materials, its producer Fernando Torrejón told us that even the background music chosen for the catwalk is an industrial music.
Ésika, la marca que mejor te conoce, tu cómplice y amiga en el mundo de la belleza, estuvo a cargo del maquillaje del taller, y presentó su nueva tendencia Otoño – Invierno 2014 para resaltar las prendas de la destacada diseñadora.
Ésika's friend mark in the world of beauty, makeup was in charge of the workshop and presented a new trend Fall - Winter 2014 to highlight the outstanding designer clothes.
Sitka nos hablo un poco acerca del proceso creativo a la hora de armar una colección, estas fueron sus palabras - Bien, algunos se inspiran en una canción, otros en un viaje, a mi me inspiraron los botines, son el punto de referencia para toda la colección que no tiene nada de lady ni cute - acotó.
Sitka us talk a little about the creative process when assembling a collection, these were his words - Well, some are inspired by a song, others on a trip inspired me to my boots, are the point of reference for all the collection is nothing cute or lady - said.
Peruvian fashion designer Sitka Semsch
What Sitka want with this collection is that each garment to suit the style of every person, every woman take a garment and endorse regardless of style. The designer I also take the time to give us some style tips, recommended us to have clothes in neutral colors because it is more practical when making combinations, it is best to add color on the add-ons at the same time functions as saving strategy, it is cheaper accessories renew to renew the closet. A girls take it into account! I hope you have enjoyed this post as much as me, it was a great experience to chat with Sitka.
Tiene buenas cosas y variadas :)
ResponderEliminarBesitos Kela
This looks like a fantastic place...I love the clothes and designs...amazing!! Happy Friday doll, I hope you have a gorgeous weekend xx
ResponderEliminarQue evento tan bonito y los diseños me parecen preciosos! Un beso.
The design of clothing gorgeous and the model beautiful very elegant post.
Hi Rebeca! Must have been a great experience indeed. The collection looks marvelous and I also like your outfit, simple and yet cool. Have a lovely weekend, kisses! xo
ResponderEliminarespectacular el negocio,qué cosas más boooonitas!
ResponderEliminarTe espero en mi blog
Mira mi último post!
fashion blogger pamela soluri
un besito enorme!!!
Nice pics!
uauuu eu amei o look da primeira manequim! Super chique :D
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Beeeijooos da Reh,
Tiene unos diseños bonitos! saludos!
ResponderEliminarlovley shoop and yoour outfit is great!
wowwww gorgeous store, they have some great pieces!
ResponderEliminarDon't Call Me Fashion Blogger
¡Qué bonitas son esas faldas largas! Un besote
ResponderEliminarwow what an amazing Outfit,
ResponderEliminartotaly love it!
Keep up this great style!
btw do you want to follow each other?!
follow my blog and I'll follow you
if you want :D
my blog:
Great store, dear.
Great event, amazing store and beautiful collection!!!!
ResponderEliminarHappy WE honey!!!
This collection looks lovely!
ResponderEliminarCorinne x
absolutely stunning!
ResponderEliminarGreat design! *O*
ResponderEliminar❤ ✿ VISIT MY BLOG ✿ ❤
Good store! I love these dresses!
Cuando vi aquí en Madrid su colección me enamoré, que bueno que nos lo compartas, haces un lindo trabajo Rebeca!!! estoy deseando ver el desfile!!
ResponderEliminarUn besazo!
that's so exciting!:) lovely pictures!♥
i love what the mannequin is wearing sitting. so beautiful.