¿Les conté alguna vez como nació mi gusto por la moda? Bueno, se remonta a mi infancia, cuando me pongo a pensar me veo como de 8 o 10 años sentada con una caja llena de revistas al lado que había dejado mi tía en mi casa, habían Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Vanidades y Buen Hogar, pasaba tardes enteras revisando cada una de ellas, y siempre me detenía en las editoriales de moda, allí podía ver las colecciones de Chanel, Dior, entre otras mas, fue allí donde vi por vez primera a la modelo "Twiggy" y quede impresionada de su cabello cortisimo, sus kilométricas piernas y sus hermosos ojos, pienso que desde ese instante tuve atracción por las personas "diferentes" atrevidas, osadas, fuera de lo común, creo que fue la experiencia que mas me marco y mi primer contacto con el mundo de la moda.
En mi look de hoy, mi manera de llevar la tendencia black and white que estamos viendo mucho últimamente, quería agradecer a los nuevos seguidores del blog, sin ustedes todo esto no tendría sentido, es para mi muy especial compartir con ustedes mis experiencias, y aventuras a través del blog, gracias nuevamente por estar siempre allí.
Did I tell you once and I had my taste for fashion? Well, it goes back to my childhood, when I start to think I look like 8 or 10 years sitting with a box full of magazines beside my aunt had left at home, had Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Vanity and Good Home, passed afternoons reviewing each and I always stop in fashion editorials, there could see the collections of Chanel, Dior, among many others, was where I first saw the model "Twiggy" and I was impressed by his very short hair, its endless legs and her beautiful eyes, I think from that moment I was attracted to "different" people bold, daring, unusual, I think it was the experience I most part and my first contact with the world of fashion.
In my look today, my way of wear black and white stripes trend we're seeing a lot lately, I wanted to thank the new followers of the blog, without you this would not make sense, is very special for me to share with you my experiences, and adventures through the blog, thanks again for being there.
Imagenes: Pinterest pueden seguirme aquí!
Images Source: Pinterest follow me here!
Stripes leggings : Urbánika Moda
Chaqueta denim / Denim motorcycle jacket: Sybilla
Blusa / Blouse: Zara
Botas / Booties: Platanitos
Stripes leggings : Urbánika Moda
Chaqueta denim / Denim motorcycle jacket: Sybilla
Blusa / Blouse: Zara
Botas / Booties: Platanitos
Admiro la belleza de esta modelo y tu estás muy guapa con ese pantalón de plena tendencia! Un beso.
love the leggings! :)
ResponderEliminarPersunMall Giveaway!!!
Adorei o ook flor, arrasou!
ResponderEliminarMuito obrigada por comentar no meu blog!
Sempre que atualizar me mande um recado no meu blog, que virei aqui comentar! Fica mais fácil para eu não esquecer e sempre estar aqui mantendo contato! ;)
Beeeijooos, @re_becah
I use to do the same thing when I was little. It was such an inspiration.
Genial el look, me encanta.
ResponderEliminarThe outfit is so cute! I love the combination of the leggings with the jean jacket, it's such a great everyday outfit.
Love those stripes!
ResponderEliminarYou look nice!
♥ Oksana
Love the striped pants. You are really going.
ResponderEliminar¡Qué linda estás! Como siempre.
ResponderEliminarUn besote de Lamiradadeluci
Oiie amore!
ResponderEliminarAdorei seu blog,eu tenho uma calça listrada tbm!!
To seguindo o blog e curtindo a fanpage,retribue assim q puder?
Hi! Thanks for your comment! I would love for us to follow each other ;). Im flllowing you now and hope you can do the same ;)
Love your layout and nice striped leggings!
ResponderEliminarOfcourse I would like to follow eachother!
I'm following you now, your turn ;)
que pasada de blog cielo!
ResponderEliminarpor supuesto que me encantaria que nos siguieramos!
te sigo ya!
I like your pants and boots :)
Gostei das suas calças e amo a vogue
Seguindo akii
Love the striped pants! You look lovely :)
Nice blog you have here! GFC will be gone soon, perhaps we could follow each other on Bloglovin?
ResponderEliminarFollow me on bloglovin and I'll follow you back for sure :>
Wonderful your striped pants!:)
ResponderEliminarSin duda Twiggy es un icono irremplazable ¡la adoro! y tu look es genial, me encanta la combinación de rayas y denim :)
Amei o post!!
ResponderEliminarTem post novo no blog!!
Beijinhos da Lu *-*
Essa calça tá suuuper nada moda né mas acho que não caiu bem em mim.