Últimamente he encontrado mucha inspiración en los diferentes blogs que sigo para armar mis outfits, tenia pendiente esta entrada sobre los shorts de cintura alta, que tan de moda están entre las bloggers, esta prenda que no es nueva, pues estuvo muy de moda allá por los 90s y hoy regresa reinventada, y con muchas seguidoras, antes que nada muestro las fotos de las dos bloggers que me inspiraron Belén y Elsa.
Ultimately I have found a lot of inspiration in the different blogs that I follow to assemble my outfits, pending tapeworm this entrance on the shorts of high waist, that so fashionable they are among the bloggers, this token that is not new, therefore was very fashionable there by the 90s and today returns reinvented, and with many followers, above all I show the photos of the two bloggers that inspired me Belén and Elsa.
Aquí, la manera como yo he combinado los míos, un look casual, que puede llevarse para la oficina o para salir de paseo, un top negro, una capa gris, pantys negras y mis zapatitos bicolor, ¿Que les parece?
Here, the way as I have combined mine, a casual look, that can be carried in the office or to leave walk, a top black, a gray layer, pantys black and my two-tone shoes, ¿That seems them?
Ultimately I have found a lot of inspiration in the different blogs that I follow to assemble my outfits, pending tapeworm this entrance on the shorts of high waist, that so fashionable they are among the bloggers, this token that is not new, therefore was very fashionable there by the 90s and today returns reinvented, and with many followers, above all I show the photos of the two bloggers that inspired me Belén and Elsa.
Elsa blogger de: www.aunusualstyle.blogspot.com
Belén blogger de: www.balamoda.net
Aquí, la manera como yo he combinado los míos, un look casual, que puede llevarse para la oficina o para salir de paseo, un top negro, una capa gris, pantys negras y mis zapatitos bicolor, ¿Que les parece?
Here, the way as I have combined mine, a casual look, that can be carried in the office or to leave walk, a top black, a gray layer, pantys black and my two-tone shoes, ¿That seems them?
Algunas imágenes, para inspirarte.
Some images for inspiring you.
Looks informales
Looks informal
Images source: Lookbook.nu Google images.