Buscando hacer algo diferente me fui al Oktoberfest, el famoso festival de Múnich, Alemania y que se lleva a cabo en diversos lugares del mundo, aquí en Lima el evento se celebra desde el año 2002, es una ocasión ideal para conocer un poco mas sobre la cultura alemana, sus costumbres y probar algunos platos típicos, aprender también un poco sobre su música que es muy alegre y contagiosa, fue una grata experiencia y aquí comparto las imágenes con ustedes.
Looking to do something different with my husband went to Oktoberfest, the famous festival from Munich, Germany and is carried out in various parts of the world, here in Lima the event has been held since 2002, is an ideal opportunity to learn a little more about German culture, customs and sample a few dishes and desserts, also learn a little about their music is very cheerful and contagious, it was a great experience and here I share the images with you.
ZUGSPITZMUSIK y Orquesta Sarabandha

Comida típica / Food typical
Arriba: Strudel de manzana, triangulo de almendras y pretzel / Desserts typical of Germany
Sombrero típico bávaro, que gano mi esposo en uno de los juegos / Typical Bavarian hat, my husband win in one of the games.
Este postre se llama Picadura de abeja, es delicioso! / This dessert is called Bee sting, so delicious!
Cuy, animal típico de Perú, con ropa típica de Alemania / Cuy, animal typical of Peru, with typical German clothing.
Pirámide de vasos de cerveza / Pyramid of glasses of beer
Torre de botellas de cervezas / Tower beer bottles
Bailes típicos / Typical dances
¡Estos instrumentos musicales me sorprendieron! / These musical instruments surprised me!

¡Espero les haya gustado! y si desean ir, tienen hasta este domingo que es el fin de fiesta. Nos vemos la próxima semana!
I hope you liked! and if they want to go, have to Sunday is the finale. See you next week!
Looks like a great time!
ResponderEliminarThis is a really great post :)
Blog: Stolen Inspiration
Instagram: KendraAlexandra
Facebook: StolenInspiration
Ohhh by the way we have a great Stolen Girlfriends Club giveaway on at the moment!
Great event and... lovely pics!!!!!
ResponderEliminarHappy sunday doll!
Hi Rebeca! Is nice it is celebrated also in Lima, the photos are very lovely, seems you had a good time! Looking adorable!:) Kisses and happy Sunday dear! xo
ResponderEliminarHola, gracias por pasarte también por tu blog. Bonita experiencia, saludos :)
ResponderEliminarDearest Rebeca, this is so cool, so you also had a Bavarian Oktoberfest in Lima! I hope you enjoyed it and got some impressions about partying in Bavaria :)
ResponderEliminarThanks for sharing this <3
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
No será la de Munich pero tiene muy buena pinta y las salchichas...geniales!
ResponderEliminargreat event!!!! :)
ResponderEliminarSheinside Giveaway – Win a $50 voucher
Ummm, que pinta tiene todo!!!!!!!!
ResponderEliminarSe ve que lo pasaste bien. Estas fiestas suelen ser muy divertdas.
Besos mil guapa.
Looks like so much fun.
Aquí en Madrid, cuando se celebra también lo aprovechamos!!
ResponderEliminarFeliz semana,
Lo primero que pillo *LPQP*
Bss, Lau
looks like so much fun!
ResponderEliminarWish you a rocking week ahead of you,
Kisses from Miami,
Ayer vi tu foto en fcbk y vine a ver el post, que bonito este evento que hacen, yo la verdad nunca he ido a uno, he visto en tv pero nada mas, se ve que es a lo grande verdad... me alegra lo hayas pasado bien y te deseo una feliz semana =) besos
ResponderEliminarYummy food pics ... love your makeup :)
ResponderEliminarNew Post up...
❤ StylishByNature.com
this post was so cute! you look so pretty! the food looked yummy delicious. what FUN!
Seems like you had fun! :)
Seems like it was a fun time!
ResponderEliminarxo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Love it! I wont too be with you there!
ResponderEliminarYou look shockingly! As usual, like a model!
Excellent combination of colors!
You have great taste and style!
Katherine Unique
you rock@!
Many thanks for your last kind comment, dear Rebeca <3 Wish you a happy new week!
ResponderEliminarxx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Really special!
ResponderEliminaraqui no Brasil tb tem!!!
ResponderEliminarMuito obrigada por comentar no meu blog!
Sempre que atualizar me mande um recado no meu blog, que virei aqui comentar! Fica mais fácil para eu não esquecer e sempre estar aqui mantendo contato! ;)
Beeeijooos, @re_becah
¡Qué chula la fiesta! Y qué rica esa comida mmmmm
ResponderEliminarUn besote de Lamiradadeluci