Si retrocediéramos en el tiempo probablemente hubiera sido difícil imaginar que la casa de modas francesa Chanel siquiera pudiera pensar en presentar una de sus colecciones en el Medio Oriente, específicamente en Dubai, sin embargo en la actualidad es una de las ciudades mas próspera y moderna del mundo que goza de un crecimiento económico envidiable, tiene un hotel exclusivo de siete estrellas, la primera estación artificial de esquí de Oriente Medio y la torre más alta jamás construida.
If we go back in time would probably have been difficult to imagine that the French fashion house Chanel could even think of presenting one of his collections in the Middle East, specifically in Dubai, however at present it is one of the most modern and prosperous cities world that has an enviable economic growth, has a unique seven-star hotel, the first artificial ski resort in the Middle East and the highest tower ever built.
Siendo un lugar tan atrayente para el turismo y el comercio era cuestión de tiempo que el ojo entrenado de Karl Lagerfeld lo tuviera en su mira, y que decidiera presentar allí su colección crucero 2015 inspirada también en la cultura árabe, para ello mando a construir un oasis en medio de una isla desértica a 650 metros de Jumeirah, la principal playa de la ciudad, se necesitaron ocho semanas para llevar a cabo la titánica labor. Se colocaron palmeras, plantas de henna, jaimas y un impresionante recinto de madera tallada para el desfile.
Being as attractive for tourism and trade place was a matter of time that the trained eye of Karl Lagerfeld had it in his sights, it is so decided to present his or her cruise collection 2015 also inspired by Arab culture, for this command to build an oasis in a desert island 650 meters from Jumeirah, the main town beach, it took eight weeks to carry out the titanic work. Palm henna plants, tents and an impressive carved wooden enclosure for the parade were placed.

Los invitados al desfile llegaron en embarcaciones de madera típicas de esta ciudad llamadas abras, se les pidió asistir con zapatos planos, y fueron acomodados entre cojines, todo al estilo de Las Mil y una Noches. La colección de marcada inspiración árabe nos muestra estampados llamativos que recuerdan las baldosas árabes del siglo 11 y 12, babuchas, pantalones bombachos, volantes, y accesorios de estilo barroco donde la media luna es predominante. ¿Que les pareció la colección? ¿La han disfrutado tanto como yo?
The guests arrived at the parade typical wooden boats of this city, they were asked to attend with flat shoes, and were accommodated between cushions, all in the style of the Arabian Nights. The collection of Arabic inspiration shows marked bold prints that recall the Arabs of 11th and 12th century tiles, slippers, baggy pants, ruffles, and accessories Baroque where the crescent is predominant. What seemed to them the collection? Did they enjoyed as much as me?
Chanel always surprise me, this time I'm fascinated by the makeup and hair-style<3
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La verdad es que esta colección tiene un oque muy exótico, aunque no hay nada que especialmente me llame la atención (quizás el modelo totalmente blanco, pero no para ponermelo claro)
ResponderEliminarUn besito preciosa!
Wow!! fantastic collections :)
Beautiful collection!!
Very unique and beautiful collection!
ResponderEliminarAmo esta colección.
ResponderEliminarMe encanto cada prenda.
Un beso y feliz domingo mi dulce Rebe
Maggie D
The Indian Savage diary
Chanel's collections are always one of the prettiest :)
oh wow I am so inlove with the blue flower print pieces esp the sweater piece
Aww, wonderful designs! *O*
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esta colección en particular me encanta, imagino que es por los colores y estampados vivos!!!!
ResponderEliminarDeseando verla en low cost!!!
Dear Rebeca, I love this collection so much! In my opinion this collection is simply a dream and I thank you really for sharing it <3 Happy Sunday for you and your family :)
ResponderEliminarxx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
This collection is amazing. I really very like!
New post
Hola Rebeca, preciosa colección. Besitos
ResponderEliminarWow thanks for sharing this post. What a wonderful chic collection.
This looks marvellous, love the gold pants :)) x
ResponderEliminarvintage and amaaaazing, i love love the hair and makeup too.
Stunning post. ;-)
ResponderEliminarLovely greets Nessa
Hi Rebeca! I really love this collection as well! The location, the lines, the patterns, the hair, the make up, everything is just flawless and Im glad as it was too long since the last time I really liked a Chanel show. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead dear, kisses! xo
ResponderEliminarAmazing show and wonderful location... Karl is a genius!!!!
ResponderEliminarKisses darling!!!
Oh very beautiful fashion show!