¡Hola a todos! Espero que el fin de semana la hayan pasado genial, hoy les contaré sobre una nueva tienda online que descubrí hace poco, Dresslily una boutique online donde puedes encontrar todo aquello que buscamos las fashionistas hoy en día, bolsos, ropa con lo último en tendencias, accesorios, zapatos, relojes, sombreros y todo aquello que puedas imaginar lo puedes encontrar navegando en su web.
Ellos manejan una línea de productos amplia y variada, su estilo yo lo definiría como trendy, y los precios son bastante accesibles, por eso cuando me invitaron a elegir un producto de su tienda para comprobar la calidad del mismo acepte con mucho gusto.
Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed the weekend, today I will tell you about a new online store that I discovered recently, Dresslily an online boutique where you can find everything you seek fashionistas today, handbags, clothing with the latest trends, accessories, shoes, watches, hats and anything else you can imagine you can find it on your web browsing .
They handle a large and varied line of products , your style I would define it as trendy and the prices are quite affordable , so when I was invited to choose a product from your store to check the quality they accept it gladly .
Elegí este bolso negro clásico con marcada inspiración de Chanel, por las asas de cadena y el acabado conocido como "quilted" o acolchado, el envío tardo aproximadamente 15 días en llegar, cuidadosamente embalado, al abrir mi paquete no podía estar mas feliz con el bolso escogido, es lo suficiente amplio para guardar las cosas que suelo llevar en un bolso, muy buen acabado de las costuras y forro, y el material se ve bastante resistente, elegante y versátil, ya que me servirá para eventos formales e informales como pueden ver en mi foto que fue el fin de semana que lleve a mis niños al cine a ver Maléfica, que por cierto me fascino la película y la actuación de la grandiosa Angelina Jolie, lo combine con blusa de denim, botines y jean borgoña. ¿Que les parece? ¿Ya conocen la tienda online Dresslily? Les recomiendo visitar la web yo ya tengo una pequeña lista de cosas que compraré próximamente y por supuesto se las mostraré en el blog, que tengan una semana productiva!
I chose this classic black bag with strong inspiration from Chanel, the handles string and finish known as quilted , shipping takes me about 15 days to arrive, carefully packed , open my package could not be more happy with the bag chosen , is large enough to store the things you usually carry in a handbag , very good finishing seams and lining, and the material is quite sturdy, stylish and versatile , as it will serve me for formal and informal events as you can see in my photo that was the weekend that take my children to the cinema to see Maleficent , I am fascinated by the way the film and the performance of the great Angelina Jolie, combine it with denim blouse , leggings and jean burgundy . What do you think? You know the Dresslily online store? I recommend visiting the website I already have a small list of things to buy soon and of course the show on the blog, you have a productive week!

Lovely bag!!!!!
ResponderEliminarKisses doll!!!
Nice image great hanbag.
Beautiful bag, it has classic details which is amazing! =)
What a beautiful bag and a beautiful bag! love the key chain! Looking amazing girl!
ResponderEliminarDon't forget to check my latest post!
The Chic and Cheap Blog ,
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Allá hay Creeps and Wafles?, parece un centro comercial de Colombia.
ResponderEliminarSaludos :)
Nice bag and it sure does looks like Chanel without the price tag.
Aww, love your bag dear! **
ResponderEliminar❤ ✿ MY BLOG ✿ ❤
Fabulous dear!
ResponderEliminarkisses from Miami,
Looks great!
ResponderEliminarRebecca this bag is beyond gorgeous, I really love it!
ResponderEliminarDon't Call Me Fashion Blogger
Very cute this bag, congratulations on your purchase. Hello dear stay in touch.
bloglovin follower
Que bolso mas bello Rebe!
ResponderEliminarMe encanta el look completo y las fotos.
Un beso
Maggie D
The Indian Savage diary
so nice bag!
Amazing pictures! I love the bag!
what a nice look <3
Pretty bag!
ResponderEliminarYou look very cute, sweetie! :)
This bag is so classy!
Cute love your bag
aww, i looove that bag! You're so stylish babe!
ResponderEliminarKisses ;)
Congratulations to your new bag! The bag is really versatile and I'm sure you will wear it often as the bag fits to so many things. The bag is also perfect for your outfit of today <3
ResponderEliminarxx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Precioso el bolso !!
ResponderEliminarme paso por la web.
It's a really cute purse!! :)
ResponderEliminarxo Jules
GIVEAWAY: http://forvanityssake.com/?p=2646
I like your bag so much! :)
Amei o look! confortável e estiloso :)
ResponderEliminarMuito obrigada por comentar no meu blog!
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Beeeijooos da Reh,
Muy guapa, me encantan los jeans!
Gorgeous bag, so lovely xx
ResponderEliminarthat bag is gorgeous!
ResponderEliminarLove this elegant quilted bag, great outfit ! Thanks for your kind visit hun!
ResponderEliminarlooking lovely! fabulous bag!
Cute and stylish bag! It looks roomy too!
ResponderEliminarRowena @ rolala loves
the bag is gorgeous!♥:)
Cute bag!
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chulísimo! saludos!