¿Que opinas de la recientes campañas en las redes sociales acerca del retoque de imagenes en medios de comunicación? Hace unas semanas surgió una polémica sobre las modelos de Victoria Secret que pregonaban el ideal del cuerpo femenino, muchas mujeres alzaron su voz de protesta, incluso algunas marcas com Dove lanzaron una contra campaña mostrando mujeres reales con cuerpos reales. Ahora esta la pólemica sobre el desnudo de Kim Kardashian para la revista Paper incluso están circulando las supuestas fotos reales de la socialité, aunque mi buen ojo de diseñadora me hace pensar que incluso las fotos reales han sido manipuladas para desprestigiarla.
What do you think of the recent campaigns on social networks about retouching images in media? A few weeks ago a controversy arose over Victoria Secret models touting the ideal female body, many women raised their voices in protest, even some brands com Dove launched a campaign against showing real women with real bodies. Now that the controversy over Kim Kardashian nude for the magazine Paper are even circulating the alleged actual photos of the socialite, although my good eye for designer makes me think that even the actual photos have been manipulated to discredit.
Una de mis bloggers favoritas Aimee Song se unía a la campaña promovida por la revista Darling Magazine usando el hashtag #noretouched ella misma hizo un post reconociendo que manipulaba sus fotos para mejorar los colores, quizás acomodar en cabello pero no alterar su fisionomía, siendo yo diseñadora gráfica y de modas estoy muy familiarizada con el tema, he trabajado en varias publicaciones locales y puedo afirmar que efectivamente las fotos de todas maneras pasan por un tratamiento para hacerlas mas atractivas visualmente, corrigiendo defectos, luces, etc. Sin embargo alterar tu fisionomía es otra cosa y lo que pienso de quienes recurren a este método es que se engañan a si misma porque basta que alguien te vea en persona para llevarse una decepción, yo reconozco que mis fotos son manipuladas en cuanto a color, pues me gusta que los colores salgan lo mas parecido a la realidad, también reconosco que en ocasiones se me ha pasado la mano y he terminado arruinando mis fotos! pero cambiar el contorno de mis rostro, aumentar o reducir mis medidas no esta en mis planes si necesito corregir algo prefiero hacerlo en la realidad, creo que aceptarse a una misma es el primer paso para tener una autoestima sólida.
One of my favorite bloggers Aimee Song joined the magazine promoted by using the hashtag Darling Magazine #noretouched she made a post acknowledging that manipulated the photos to enhance colors, perhaps accommodate hair but not alter their physiognomy, campaign being graphic designer fashions and am very familiar with the subject, I have worked in several local publications and I can confirm that indeed the photos anyway undergo a treatment to make them more visually appealing, correcting defects, lights, etc. However alter your physiognomy is another thing and what I think of people using this method is that delude itself that enough for someone to see in person to be disappointed, I acknowledge that my photos are manipulated in color, because I like the colors go the closest thing to reality, also I acknowledge that sometimes passed my hand and I ended up ruining my photos! but changing the contours of my face, increase or decrease my measurements not in my plans if I need to correct something I prefer to do it in reality, I think it acceptable to one is the first step to having a strong self-esteem.
Si bien las blogger nos preocupamos por mostrar imágenes agradables a nuestros lectores, no estoy de acuerdo en alterar el físico y mostrar una imagen distorsionada de la realidad. En estrellas de televisión o artistas se usa mucho la técnica del retoque, en el mundo blogger he visto que últimamente se esta usando este recurso ¿Tu que opinas sobre este tema? ¿Sueles manipular tus fotografías digitalmente? Cuéntenme en los comentarios! A continuación algunas imágenes que pueden ilustrar mejor el post.
Although the blogger we care about pleasing images show our readers, I do not agree alter the physical and display a distorted image of reality. TV stars and artists are widely used technique retouching, in the blogger world've seen lately are using this resource Your you think about this topic? Do you usually manipulate your photos digitally? Tell me in the comments below are some images that might better illustrate the post.
Lady Gaga mostrando una hermosa piel satinada, cabello perfecto y brazos tonificados, las imágenes de abajo dicen lo contrario.
Lady Gaga showing a beautiful satiny skin, perfect hair and toned arms, the images below say otherwise.
Me gusta Kim Kardashian y no precisamente por sus excesos sino porque ha sabido imponerse en un mundo donde los canones de belleza están parametrados, ella ha logrado destacar con una figura que dista de la belleza ideal.
I like Kim Kardashian and not by its excesses but because it has established itself in a world where the canons of beauty are parameterized, she has managed to stand out with a figure that is far from ideal beauty.

Madonna y su notable retoque fotográfico para Louis Vuitton.
Madonna and her remarkable photo retouching for Louis Vuitton.
Hi Rebeca! Well, you talk about an important problem. Although love VS and their models, I think their campaign is bad and transmits a wrong message to all the women around the world (when everyone knows also they retouch the photos to make app ear the angels flawless). Im against retouched photos, when is about to change the person not the colors or just to improve them. Hope you have a lovely evening dear, many kisses! xo
ResponderEliminarI was alarmed by Kim's magazine feature as well. I was like, Ohmygod! Is this for real?!
ResponderEliminarI was thinking that maybe this feature got so many minds worried as well.
I dont like re touching in pictures :( very nice msg Rebeca :) Wonderful post..Keep In touch dear..hugs
ResponderEliminarrampdiary / My art Blog / Beauty and fashion Blog
I think they should leave pictures alone or at least say they have re-touched them. But, some won't even admit to it. People want to see realness, but I know they want fantasy as well and it has to be more clear, especially to younger viewers. Hope you have a great Friday xx
ResponderEliminarAbsolutely great talk about this problem *_*
ResponderEliminarHappy Weekend,
New Post: Michael Kors pop-up shop with Aimee Song
I like this campaign really, not only as I never edit my pictures on my blog :)
ResponderEliminarxx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena
amazing post!♥ I worked as a model for four years and I had the chance to see the whole process of manipulation of photos, it's terrible:(
Wow, thank you for sharing. This is a beautiful post. Retouching is a huge topic in the fashion world today and I love how you covered it.
Wow kim is a big difference and Madonna is also. Great post.