
Hablemos de las emociones en Navidad

 Ya pasó la primera semana del 2025 y por fin tengo un tiempo para actualizar mi blog, ultimamente se me está complicando encontrar un momento en mi rutina para escribir más seguido, quizás porque las últimas semanas del año siempre suelen ser complicadas pues siempre hay compromisos, si a esto les sumamos la velocidad con la que se nos pasan los días pues creo que en cierto modo la respuesta salta a la vista.


The first week of 2025 has already passed and I finally have time to update my blog. Lately, it's been difficult for me to find a moment in my routine to write more often. Maybe it's because the last weeks of the year are always complicated because there are always commitments and if we add to this the speed with which the days go by, then I think that in a certain way the answer is obvious.

Este año he querido empezar con el pie derecho y superar ese bache en mis publicaciones del blog, estoy organizándome mejor en ese sentido, a propósito de las celebraciones de fin de año y de todo el ambiente que se vive durante estas fechas que muchas veces termina dejándonos una mezcla de alegría y de agotamiento. Hoy es 8 de Enero, aún tengo pendiente guardar mi decoración! Es lo último que me falta y habré tachado mi lista de pendientes relacionados a la Navidad, espero hacerlo máximo esta semana.

En alguna oportunidad les comenté que tenía una especie de depresión navideña durante mi adolescencia, no podía evitar sentirme agobiada y más cuando la Navidad estaba más cerca, la sensación de ansiedad me aumentaba, eso cambió bastante cuando tuve a mis hijos, mientras eran pequeños tenía una mejor disposición y empecé a disfrutar un poco más de la temporada de Navidad, pero ahora que mis hijos crecieron sentí nuevamente esa sensación, afortunadamente hoy tengo un mejor autoconocimiento y puedo detectar sin problema que es lo que me genera este bajón emocional.


This year I wanted to start off on the right foot and overcome that slump in my blog posts. I'm organizing myself better in that sense, in light of the end-of-year celebrations and the whole atmosphere that is experienced during these dates that often ends up leaving us with a mix of joy but also exhaustion. Today is January 8th and I still have to put away my decorations! It's the last thing I need and I'll have checked off my Christmas-related to-do list. I hope to do it this week at the latest.

On some occasions I told you that I had a kind of Christmas depression during my adolescence, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed and more so when Christmas was closer, the feeling of anxiety increased, that changed a lot when I had my children, while they were small I had a better disposition and I began to enjoy the Christmas season a little more, but now that my children have grown up I felt that feeling again, fortunately today I have better self-knowledge and I can easily detect what is causing this emotional downturn.

En mi caso particular noté que la presión social que se ha impuesto en estas fechas es lo que me descoloca, no me gusta el estrés que se vive, tiendas abarrotadas, exceso de compromisos, exceso de estímulos publicitarios, exceso de comunicación, la mala coordinación, en general el exceso de estimulos en estas fechas es lo que me genera incomodidad. 

Soy partidaria de celebrar con moderación, me gustan que las cosas fluyan sin presiones de por medio, sin tanto alboroto, respetar la autenticidad de cada grupo familiar, algo que dejé de hacer hace años es participar en intercambios de regalos porque me generaba estrés y más cuando me tocaba regalar a alguien que no conozco lo suficiente. Porque en estas fechas se organizan intercambios en diferentes grupos sociales de mi entorno, prefiero enfocar mi energía en mi familia, en las personas que amo y también me aman.


In my particular case I noticed that the social pressure that has been imposed on these dates is what unsettles me, I don't like the stress that is experienced, crowded stores, excessive commitments, excessive advertising stimuli, excessive communication, poor coordination, in general the excess of stimuli on these dates is what generates discomfort in me.

I am agree with celebrating in moderation, I like things to flow without pressure, without so much fuss, respecting the authenticity of each family group, something that I stopped doing years ago is participating in gift exchanges because it generated stress for me and even more so when I had to give a gift to someone I don't know well enough. Because on these dates exchanges are organized in different social groups around me, I prefer to focus my energy on my family, on the people I love and who also love me.

Por estas fecha de por si el ambiente se torna sensible, las emociones están a flor de piel, hay personas que han sufrido pérdidas de todo tipo, o se encuentran lejos de sus familias y el ánimo no es el mejor, hay que tener mucho cuidado de no hacer comentarios fuera de lugar, ser invasivos o impertinentes, pues nadie está obligado a tolerar ese tipo de actitudes solo porque se supone que seamos familia, amigos, etc. Este año pude notar que en las redes sociales se habló mucho sobre estos puntos, me parece bien que las personas den visibilidad a aquellos comportamientos que les generan incomodidad, porque hablar y compartir tu sentir genera conciencia del problema y eso contribuye al cambio. A continuación te comparto algunos tips que te pueden ayudar a pasar mejor la temporada navideña el próximo año.

Las fiestas de fin de año pueden ser difíciles para algunas personas por diversas razones. Aquí te explico las causas más comunes y algunos consejos para afrontarlas:

¿Por qué ocurre?

  • Altas expectativas: Las redes sociales y la cultura popular pintan una imagen idealizada de las fiestas, lo que puede generar frustración si la realidad no coincide con esas expectativas.
  • Soledad: Aquellos que han perdido a un ser querido o están lejos de su familia pueden sentirse más solos en estas fechas.
  • Balance del año: Reflexionar sobre metas no alcanzadas puede generar sentimientos de fracaso.
  • Fatiga social: Las reuniones frecuentes pueden ser abrumadoras para personas introvertidas o con ansiedad social.
  • Factores económicos: Los gastos asociados con regalos, cenas y viajes pueden generar estrés financiero.


On these dates, the atmosphere becomes sensitive, emotions are on edge, there are people who have suffered losses of all kinds or are far from their families and the mood is not the best, you have to be very careful not to make inappropriate comments, be invasive or impertinent because no one is obliged to tolerate that type of attitude just because we are supposed to be family, friends, etc. This year I noticed that there was a lot of talk about these points on social media. I think it's good that people give visibility to those behaviors that make them uncomfortable, because talking and sharing your feelings raises awareness of the problem and that contributes to change. Below I share some tips that can help you get through the Christmas season better next year.

The end-of-year holidays can be difficult for some people for various reasons. Here I explain the most common causes and some advice to deal with them:

Why does it happen?

  • High expectations: Social media and popular culture paint an idealized image of the holidays, which can lead to frustration if reality doesn't match those expectations.
  • Loneliness: Those who have lost a loved one or are far from their family may feel more alone at this time.
  • Taking stock of the year: Reflecting on unachieved goals can lead to feelings of failure.
  • Social fatigue: Frequent meetings can be overwhelming for introverted people or those with social anxiety.
  • Economic factors: Expenses associated with gifts, dinners, and travel can create financial stress.

¿Cómo lidiar con esto?

  • Establece límites saludables: No te sientas obligado a asistir a todas las reuniones. Está bien decir "no".
  • Crea tus propias tradiciones: Celebra de una manera que te haga sentir cómodo, incluso si es algo simple como ver una película solo.
  • Rodéate de personas que te hagan sentir bien: Aunque sea solo una persona, la calidad de la compañía importa más que la cantidad.
  • Prioriza el autocuidado: Duerme lo suficiente, come bien y haz actividades que disfrutes.
  • Busca apoyo: Hablar con un amigo de confianza o un profesional de la salud mental puede ser muy útil.
  • Baja las expectativas: No todo tiene que ser perfecto; enfócate en momentos pequeños pero significativos.

Cada persona vive las fiestas de manera única. Lo importante es respetar tus propios límites y encontrar formas de celebrar que se sientan auténticas para ti.


How to deal with this?

  • Set healthy boundaries: Don’t feel obligated to attend every gathering. It’s okay to say “no.”
  • Create your own traditions: Celebrate in a way that makes you feel comfortable, even if it’s something simple like watching a movie alone.
  • Surround yourself with people who make you feel good: Even if it’s just one person, the quality of company matters more than the quantity.
  • Prioritize self-care: Get enough sleep, eat well, and do activities you enjoy.
  • Reach out to support: Talking to a trusted friend or mental health professional can be very helpful.
  • Lower expectations: Not everything has to be perfect; focus on small but meaningful moments.
Every person experiences the holidays in their own unique way. The important thing is to respect your own boundaries and find ways to celebrate that feel authentic to you.

12 comentarios:

  1. It is wonderful that you are talking about this! I know a lot of people who feel similarly about the holiday season. It's so important to normalize feeling however you happen to feel at this time of year. There are so many factors that can lead to happiness or unhappiness, but there is definitely pressure to create those perfect moments. <3

    1. I think it is an important issue that should be made visible.

  2. Sim as últimas semanas do ano são bem complicadas sempre acontece comigo Rebeca bjs.

  3. Your tips to survive the holidays are so important. I’ve definitely cut back on my commitments and even some of the traditions, like cookie baking. One thing that I struggle with is all the goodies associated with the holidays like cakes, candies, etc. I’ve had to learn to enjoy it for just a day or two, otherwise I just don’t feel good.Your tree is beautiful as are you❣️

    1. Of course, the important thing is to choose activities that make us feel good, without feeling pressured.

  4. It's good that you approached this topic because while the holidays might be a happy time for some people, it could also be one of the most difficult times of the year for others. There is so much pressure and people shouldn't feel obligated to celebrate if they don't want to. Your tips are very helpful and I agree that the most important thing is to do what feels right for your own circumstance. It would be helpful if other people don't judge.

    1. Thanks hun, is important feel free to choose activities that make us feel good, without feeling pressured.

  5. I went through a phase when I was much younger when I did not like Christmas. Much better now. Yes it can be stressful but on the other hand there is so much too like. Always kind of sad when it comes to an end. I just took my tree down today and will slowly put away the rest of the decorations over then next 2 weeks or so. And LOVE your Christmas decorations so pretty!

    Allie of

    1. I'm glad you enjoy these holidays without stressing yourself out. I think that's the idea: to celebrate in our own way, choosing activities that make us feel good.



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