Esta vez quiero hablarles de los ya famosos zapatos Jeffrey Campbell calzado americano que con apenas 10 años en el mercado se han hecho muy populares entre las fashion bloggers, para este zapato no existe termino medio o los amas o los odias, su peculiar plataforma es el sello que los distingue.
This time I want to speak them of the already famous shoes Jeffrey Campbell American footwear that with barely 10 years in the market have done itself very popular among the fashion bloggers, for this shoe does not exist I finish middle or you love or you hate them, its peculiar platform is the seal that distinguishes them.
Parecen incómodos, pero según comentarios leídos en la blogosfera son todo lo contrario, ya que su plataforma le resta varios centímetros al tacón, así que si eres de las que no les gusta llamar la atención no te los recomiendo ya que estos zapatos llaman la atención por si solos.
They seem uncomfortable, but according to read comments in the blogosphere they are all the contrary thing, since its platform subtracts various centimeters to the heel, so if you are of the ones that them does not like to call the attention not you them bearing a grudge since these shoes call the attention by if alone.
El que mas seguidores tiene es el modelo "Lita" lo he visto en muchos outfits del lookbook, su estilo es rebelde y transgresor aportandole mas fuerza a tu outfit.
The one that but followers has is the model "Lita" I have seen it in many outfits of the lookbook, its style is rebel and transgressor contributing him but force to your outfit.
This time I want to speak them of the already famous shoes Jeffrey Campbell American footwear that with barely 10 years in the market have done itself very popular among the fashion bloggers, for this shoe does not exist I finish middle or you love or you hate them, its peculiar platform is the seal that distinguishes them.
Parecen incómodos, pero según comentarios leídos en la blogosfera son todo lo contrario, ya que su plataforma le resta varios centímetros al tacón, así que si eres de las que no les gusta llamar la atención no te los recomiendo ya que estos zapatos llaman la atención por si solos.
They seem uncomfortable, but according to read comments in the blogosphere they are all the contrary thing, since its platform subtracts various centimeters to the heel, so if you are of the ones that them does not like to call the attention not you them bearing a grudge since these shoes call the attention by if alone.
El que mas seguidores tiene es el modelo "Lita" lo he visto en muchos outfits del lookbook, su estilo es rebelde y transgresor aportandole mas fuerza a tu outfit.
The one that but followers has is the model "Lita" I have seen it in many outfits of the lookbook, its style is rebel and transgressor contributing him but force to your outfit.
Y este modelo se los he visto a Alessandra, blogger de
This model I see to Alessandra blogger of
En otro post les mostrare imagenes de como pueden combinarlos, y tu, ¿Que opinas? ¿Te atreverías a usarlos? yo me quedo con el modelo de la antepenúltima foto, y los de tono camel :)
In another post I showed them images of as can combine them, and your, ¿That you think? You would dare to use them? I remain with the model of the antepenultimate photo, and those of tone camel :)