Hace tiempo vengo escuchando sobre los beneficios de beber jugos verdes, mi rutina suele ser bastante agitada pues debo lidiar con mi casa, dos niños en edad escolar, mi trabajo y el blog, todo eso me deja agotada y llego a duras penas a las vacaciones de medio año, por eso decidí investigar acerca del tema, pues estos jugos no solo te otorgan nutrientes si no también te llenan de energía, algo necesario en el mundo actual en el que vivimos.
I have long been hearing about the benefits of drinking green juices , my routine is usually pretty hectic as I deal with my house, two children in school, my work and blog, all that leaves me exhausted and arrived barely a vacation half a year, so I decided to investigate this subject, because these juices will not only provide nutrients but also fill you with energy, which is necessary in today's world in which we live.

Indagando en la web encontré varias combinaciones y algunos de los beneficios que da el beber estos jugos:
- Son muy nutritivos y fáciles de absorber otorgando un descanso a nuestro sistema digestivo.
- Regulan el azúcar en la sangre, calmando antojos y patrones adictivos, eso suena bien!
- Es importante tomarlos alejados de tu horario de comidas para poder absorber y asimilar eficazmente los nutrientes y enzimas, si los bebes con el estómago vacío al levantarte. ¡Mucho mejor!
- Son ricos en vitaminas y sales minerales, ayudan a quemar grasas y desintoxicar el cuerpo.
-Es bueno que vayas probando diferentes mezclas y notes cual es la que favorece a tu cuerpo, ya que todos no reaccionamos igual a los ingredientes.
- No abuses de su consumo, para empezar prueba beberlos interdiario y ver que tal te va.
Inquiring on the web I found several combinations and some of the benefits given drinking these juices:
- They are very nutritious and easy to absorb providing a rest to our digestive system.
- Regulate blood sugar, calming cravings and addictive patterns , that sounds good !
- It is important to take away from your meal schedule to effectively absorb and assimilate nutrients and enzymes , if you drink on an empty stomach when you wake up . Much better!
- They are rich in vitamins and minerals will help burn fat and detoxify the body.
- It's good to go trying different mixtures and notes which is favoring your body because not all react the same to all ingredients.
- Do not abuse your intake , start drinking them for intraday test and see how you do.
Si deseas ver mas ideas de combinaciones visita mi tablero de Pinterest aquí, espero les sean de utilidad! Buen fin de semana.
If you want to see more combinations ideas visit my Pinterest board here, I hope you find them useful! Have a good weekend.
Te entiendo con lo de no tener tiempo, ya nos contarás que tal te va tomando estos diversos batidos, yo echo de menos la gran variedad de verduras y frutas que hay allá. Intentaré hacer alguno. Un besito
Me encanto este post Rebe,
ResponderEliminarsiempre busco estas ideas y me encantan tomar estos jugos
Un beso y feliz domingo
The Indian Savage Diary
Me lo apunto, todo lo que sea comer bien y sano me encanta!!!!
Oh that looks healthy and delicious~
Looks so delish and really really healthy! Love it! *__*
ResponderEliminar❤ ✿ MY BLOG ✿ ❤
Wow, deve essere deliziosa!
lovely post, definitely going to be using these recipes
I love it to drink such juices! But I have to admit that I mostly to lazy to mix such drinks for me - looks like I need a drink mixer in my household :)
ResponderEliminarxx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
a good post
great smoothie idea :)
Another inspiring post from you dear! love it! ♥
ResponderEliminarNew post on the blog sweetie!
Tengo curiosidad por probarlos. Saludos!
ResponderEliminarsucha yummy healthy smoother for fresh n crispy morning,,
ResponderEliminarfollow u on G+, Gfc & Bloglovin, hope you add me
Keep in touch..
will definitely give this a try. Have a great Monday! :)
ResponderEliminarI AM ALSO ON: Instagram @kennydaily, Bloglovin and Facebook (i follow back, just let me know your links)
What Kenny Hearts a Lifestyle Blog
Además de beneficiosos son muy ricos! Un beso.
This looks delicious! I might look into juicing as I need to shift some weight!
ResponderEliminarCorinne x
Uf yo soy super mala para este tipo de jugos...
ResponderEliminarPero creo que mi cuerpo los está pidiendo a gritos...Intentaré a ver si puedo probarlos
†✰ Visit my blog ✰†
Hola! Quiero probar un jugo verde algun dia! hehe
Thats healthy!
This looks super yummy, I love it xx
ResponderEliminarSo yummy! <3
It-Girl Facebook page
Great recipe. Hello dear stay in touch.
bloglovin follower
Hi Rebeca! They sound very delicious and healthy, I need to drink more green juices as well, you just made me think about it! Happy Monday and have a great week, kisses! xo
ResponderEliminarI love green juices, great way to detoxify yourself :)
i was just telling my hubby over dinner that we should get a juicer so we could make our own green juices!!! thanks for sharing this great post :)
great recipe! It should be delicious!
Yum! Looks super healthy!
This sounds so yummy. *__*
ResponderEliminarLovely greets Nessa
They're so good for you! I juice at home. Love this mix.